application note:
Unlocking Contact-Independent Microbial Interactions
leveraging cerillo co-culture duets for high-throughput and high- resolution phenotypic assessment and optical density growth curve
Cerillo’s co-culture devices were used to characterize interactions between Escherichia coli populations followed by multi-species co-cultures with two bacterial species commonly found in the cystic fibrotic lung, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cenocepacia. Microbes were grown in Lysogeny Broth (LB), LB media diluted with 1x Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), or DPBS. LB, a nutritionally rich medium for bacterial culture, is widely used for its high bacterial yield and convenience [1]. DPBS creates an environment suitable to microbes but devoid of nutrients, requiring nutrients to diffuse across the membrane to support microbial growth.
In this application note you will learn:
- How microbial co-culture is used to study interaction dynamics within populations consisting of multiple microbial strains.
- How cerillo’s co-culture system and compatible format enables real-time optical density measurements and facilitates the independent characterization and analysis of the co-cultured microbial populations.
- How cerillo’s co-culture system integrates with other plate readers for, rapid generation of optical density growth curves is possible, facilitating efficient data analysis.